Alex Bourne LIVE 1.5.2010
Alex Bourne LIVE 1.5.2010
Clubfloor LIVE: Australian Singer Alex Bourne - featuring Lee Hofmann (Guitar)
Beginn 22:00, freier Eintritt mit Anmeldung
Alex Bourne grew up on Australian soil in the city of Melbourne, where it was as natural as the air you breathe to sing, play the guitar, and write your own songs. Further up north in Townsville, Queensland, Lee Hofmann was growing his musical roots, and there he spent 20 years of his life until returning to Austria to reunite with family.Alex moved to Europe to gain a different perspective with the intention of carving herself a niche as a songwriter alongside her favorite influences PJ Harvey and Tori Amos.
It was here in Vienna Lee and Alex met and began playing Soul and Pop music together and writing songs.
In Elysium on Sat 1st May, covering
Amy Winehouse
Bobby Wommack
Stevie Wonder
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